Thursday, June 12, 2008

More Things I like about Idaho

Nature, there are animals and birds everywhere. We watched the mother hawk feed her babies.

We always have beautiful fluffy clouds even on warm sunny days. Not quite this many clouds in warm weather, but always a few billowy ones. Notice how blue the sky is here, and at night you can see billions of stars.

This doesn't show up to very good, but in the center is a big rock that was hit by lighting years and years ago. It looks like a loaf of bread with a slice. It's called bread loaf rock. We used to pass it when we went to mom and dad's cabin in Cascade. They have made a new road since then so we had to go on an old road to find it.


Hearing Light said...
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jenni bishop said...

Happy Birthday Cheryl!!
Love, Jenni

Stacey Bishop said...

Happy Birthday MOM!!

Molly Jolley said...

Those pictures are great. I love the loaf of bread one thats great