Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Gunner's baby blessing

This is Gunner, Josh's youngest. He is finally getting a little weight on him. He's almost 4 months, but when he was in Idaho he was only about 8 lbs and since he was 3 weeks early, still looked like a new born.

He didn 't lack for attention when we were there. I'm sure with so 3 brothers and 2 sisters he never lacks for attention. This is Molly's Ashlyn by him.

We asked if Josh could bless the baby while we were in California. Murpheys law, it was their stake conference, so it ended up taking place at Josh's home. Left to right is Josh holding Gunner, Proud Grandpa Les, the bishop, and Stacey's husband Adam. Can you tell by the heighth, Adam is not a Hatch? The Bishop would fit right in.

Stacey's the real photographer! Roxy trying to get him to smile. The just moved into this house the day before. I couldn't believe she had most rooms so put together already and pictures up on the wall. There's a few boxes left in the bedrooms.