Sunday, August 31, 2008

Before new kitchen floor

We bought new flooring, and this is what the floor looked like before.

I loved my new counter tops, but then the floor looked bad.

Randy said he would come put the new flooring in for us.

After new kitchen flooring

Randy came down to put in our new flooring. He did a great job as usual, and was done in less than a day. Whitnie, the kids and I went shopping to stay out of their way. Tough sacrifice.

It turned out beautiful. What a difference!

Just a closer look.

I just love it!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

In the Hatch Garden

We have a tradition of getting grandkids hand prints on a framed canvas. We do footprints if they are babies. We ran out of room on the two we have since we are soon to be grandparents of 24. This is Gunner.

This is Stacey's baby Wade, He's about 6 months and twice as big as Gunner.

This is Josh and Roxy's Meadow. We put the name and date by each print.
The pictures say: In the Hatch garden Special flowers Bloom ( the next pictures say:) and bloom and bloom. It's a fun tradition. We're sending it home with Molly for her baby due in Oct. then I'll bring it home and frame it.

Gunner's baby blessing

This is Gunner, Josh's youngest. He is finally getting a little weight on him. He's almost 4 months, but when he was in Idaho he was only about 8 lbs and since he was 3 weeks early, still looked like a new born.

He didn 't lack for attention when we were there. I'm sure with so 3 brothers and 2 sisters he never lacks for attention. This is Molly's Ashlyn by him.

We asked if Josh could bless the baby while we were in California. Murpheys law, it was their stake conference, so it ended up taking place at Josh's home. Left to right is Josh holding Gunner, Proud Grandpa Les, the bishop, and Stacey's husband Adam. Can you tell by the heighth, Adam is not a Hatch? The Bishop would fit right in.

Stacey's the real photographer! Roxy trying to get him to smile. The just moved into this house the day before. I couldn't believe she had most rooms so put together already and pictures up on the wall. There's a few boxes left in the bedrooms.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Sunsets at the beach

This is Ashlyn's first time at the beach!

There is nothing more beautiful than the Ocean in California.

The Sunsets are beautiful!

There is so many beautiful color changes as the sun goes down.

It's so peaceful

A Day at the Beach!

We took the afternoon and went to San Anofre Beach. Stacey wanted to take Senior pictures of her nephew Austin and no one minded going along.

Stacey's Wade is a little over 6 months and such a cutie pie. He hardly fits in his chair any more cause he's a little bit chunkie.

Wade is such a sweet baby and never fusses. You might notice the Stealers shirt.

Adam, Stacey's husband is a great guy and it's good to see him doing what he loves to do.

Averi and Owen are such California kids!

Visit to California and Back to School Night

We're in California visiting with Stacey and Josh. Molly came too and her little girl Ashlyn is ready for the California Sun. She loves's Stacey's 3 yr old Owen. He is so wise.

Owen is all ready for his sister's Averi's back to school night.

Ashlyn 16 months is ready too!

Averi is excited we all get to go!

They live just a few houses from the school so we all walked to Averi's back to school night!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Visit with Whitnie and Lindsay

It was great, Lindsay took a couple of days off work. We went to the Pittock Mansion with Lindsay and Keith. It was a beautiful day, sorry Keith, I almost didn't get your head in the picture.

The mansion was finished in the early 1900's. The homeowner owned the local paper. It was very big but homey inside. I really enjoyed the visit.

The view was spectacular, looking over Portland on one side and the Columbia river on the other.

Les and Lindsay relaxing and playing wii

That evening we went to the Clark County fair and had an enjoyable evening. Chris loved the rides and the animals. We didn't ignore Jake, Kyle and Shelly, but Shelly was at EFY and when she got home, she immediately starting emailing friends from there. Jake and Kyle didn't get home from their Scout Adventure week until almost midnight of our last night, and we were too tired to remember pictures. I think they're coming for a visit in a couple of weeks. And of course Cooper is on his mission.

Visit to Oregon and Washington

OK so Whitnie and I aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. It really made us nervous to rent a movie for the first time from the Red Box.

Whitnie and Tucker waiting for Chris at the bus stop.

And here he is!

Chris and Pete enjoying a nice sunny afternoon.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Good Bye John Hatch Family

It was a great visit! Left top: Michael, John, Great Grandma Udy. Bottom left: Connor, Ethan, Gabe and Griff.

Hatch Ladies! Evie, me, Great Grandma Udy, Jenni, Salsa, and Lauren. Salsa feels it's her duty to be in every picture.

Hatch guys! Top left: John, Grandma Udy, Michael, Les. Bottom left Gabe, Griffith, Connor, and Ethan

Some of the Hatch's with Grandma, don't know where the rest were.

John, Grandma and Salsa!

Good Bye Evie

Resting up for the long ride!

Getting foot painted for "Hatch Garden Pictures! I feel so bad we forgot to do this for the rest of Josh's kids. I'll buy a frame when we're in California and do it then because his will almost fill a frame, and we need Wade Bishop's too!, and maybe we can leave it for when Molly's new baby is here in Oct.

Of course pink was the foot color!

She was very good! We do hands for the older kids, but found babies won't keep their hands open so we do feet.

Some of the names were fading on the older kids, so Jenni redid them. Cooper and Lauren were 11 when we started this and now they're 19. Evie is grand baby 22, Gunner 23 and Molly's will be 24 for us. Great start on our posterity. We are truly blessed!